Posts From Category: readinglist

The Memory Police and how AI will ruin us all

In the last ten days, I’ve been thinking about how to pick this up and simply iterate on the initial posts that I had created, sharing interesting information about a part of the world that we know little about. This is especially interesting since the graduate course that I’m currently working on is titled “Topics in Intelligence”, requiring a weekly “intelligence report” or an aggregate of data about a nation of our choosing. Having equal parts dumb luck and quick response, no one had taken China yet, a country that has continued to impress me with the insanity of its nature but the depth of its history. As a result, I’ve gotten to intertwine some personal curiosity with the education that I’m pursuing. What good luck! Perhaps I can share some of the findings with the blog just to gauge response and feedback. We’ll have to see!

Over the last week, we’ve gotten to see some shocking stuff. Since I’m not needing to share much of my China research in this particular post, I’m going to share a bit of the other stuff that I’m reading…

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