Tokyo Ueno Station and time as a flat circle
I’ve continued to struggle with what to do with this blog, picturing it as a way to talk as an authority on something. Of course, I’m thinking about this through the lens of the very flashy folks performing huge talks and nurturing a large following. Personally, I’m not confident that I’m an expert on anything in a way that I could contribute to some sort of discourse although that’s probably equal parts lack-of-confidence and still-learning. Reaching that crossroads, I decided it didn’t matter much to allow this to simply languish while I just worked and worked. As of late, I had shifted gears at work. Previously, my entire focus was support. It was a little less on the ticketing end, more focusing on complex issues, training team members on networking and network-related products. As of the beginning of October, I’ve stepped into a bit more of an operations role. Under the banner of “CloudOps Administrator”, I’ve begun really tracking alerting, managing systems across a humongous global fleet. As part of this shift, I’m not really writing to people, sometimes writing some technical documentation. This sparked a bit of something inside of me where I needed to find a way to keep the mental gears turning.