Posts From Category: personal

Tokyo Ueno Station and time as a flat circle

I’ve continued to struggle with what to do with this blog, picturing it as a way to talk as an authority on something. Of course, I’m thinking about this through the lens of the very flashy folks performing huge talks and nurturing a large following. Personally, I’m not confident that I’m an expert on anything in a way that I could contribute to some sort of discourse although that’s probably equal parts lack-of-confidence and still-learning. Reaching that crossroads, I decided it didn’t matter much to allow this to simply languish while I just worked and worked. As of late, I had shifted gears at work. Previously, my entire focus was support. It was a little less on the ticketing end, more focusing on complex issues, training team members on networking and network-related products. As of the beginning of October, I’ve stepped into a bit more of an operations role. Under the banner of “CloudOps Administrator”, I’ve begun really tracking alerting, managing systems across a humongous global fleet. As part of this shift, I’m not really writing to people, sometimes writing some technical documentation. This sparked a bit of something inside of me where I needed to find a way to keep the mental gears turning.

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Greetings From the Future

Hello, all. I am dialing in from the frontier. We’ve crossed over into a new decade. 2020 is here and with it new luck and good tidings!

I’ve been neglecting this blog. As much as I could say that I’m thinking about picking it back up and being consistent, I’d rather spend less time typing that out and more time typing anything that will help me better convey some thoughts and develop myself personally. It’s hard to put into perfect terms the reason why I’ve been so bad at following up with this although maybe I can try to capture some of that in the coming weeks.

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Catching Up On Life

I know it’s been a bit dead over on this side in spite of repeatedly saying that I was going to begin posting on here a bit more. In order to explain this, I wanted to give a bit of an update on where I’ve been and what’s been tying me up. Selfishly, this will also be in order to finally get a blog post up that hopefully sets a framework for going forward. For the past two or three months, I’ve been largely wrapped up in some graduate studies as part of the cybersecurity program at Wilmington University. While these two classes were the start and were a bit low-level, covering securing networks and operating systems respectively, I learned a bit about how my workflow had to change going into graduate studies. Graduate studies are a lot more work! Trying to tie together an in-depth presentation on different network standards while also preparing research on impactful cyber threats in the world takes a lot out of you. It certainly didn’t help that during this time I was switching careers as well!

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